5 - Cleaning brush - The wire brush used to scrape old charred grease and fat form your last session off the grill is good to have, but sometimes i prefer to just leave that stuff on for added flavor.
4 - Thermometer fork - Once a luxury item, these can be picked up on the cheap now and can be helpful when cooking meat on the rare end when you need to ensure the inside reached the minimum temperature to kill all bacteria. Helpful, but not completely necessary.
3 - Marinade brush - Some people simply use paintbrushes (that haven't been used for painting, genius) but the long handled ones are better, I think, so you don't roast your fingers while applying a little extra juice to your meat.
2 - Tongs - Don't grill brats without them. And if you don't grill brats, you are no longer welcome on this blog.
1 - Long-handled extra wide spatula - Perfect for flipping, removing from the grill or just peeking under your steak without flipping yet. Again, you can avoid burning yourself and excessive smoke inhalation by getting one with a long handle.
This week's cool-ass thing you will never own is the Kraken. The fact that it is a mythical creature who is most likely based on old seafarers' sightings of giant squids that had floated to the surface officially removes it from the list of methods you might use to seek swift, terrible vengeance upon your enemies.
This week's sign you are a nerd is that as soon as the rumor of a movie hits your ears, you produce fan art and try to pass it off as legitimate material from the production company. Gee, that Avenger's movie poster looks an awful lot like that t-shirt I have.
This week's nemesis is television remotes. You aggravate me by hiding in the most random places like between couch cushions and under entertainment storage cabinets and by never being quite fully programmable so I still have to have three remotes in order to access all the features I really want at a given time.
This week's lesson learned is to order something small for yourself when you're out with the kids at a restaurant without a kids' menu. You're going to end up finishing what they order.
This week's equation is:

Where S is the number of pairs of shoes you wife owns, c is the square footage of closet space in your home and y is the number of years your she has had access to a credit card.
This week's Star Wars quote came to mind as i tried to get my sons to do some reading and math activities in order to be ready for their return to school at the end of the month. "Mind what you have learned. Save you it can."
That's all for this week. Regular posts resume tomorrow. Thanks for reading.
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