Our Geek Tournament is underway and the voting has resulted in some major point swings on the match-ups that have been posted thus far. Today, I have added four more games for you to vote on and have extended the voting deadline for the original nine games.
Anticipating new readers, it seemed best to let as many people weigh in on as many match-ups as possible. So, new, fellow readers of GeekDad, I welcome you to my humble blog and hope that your time here is spent in laughter and assorted expressions of merriment.
Allow me to restate the rules. The match-ups are extremely random and a lot of worthy candidates have been left out (plus, I combined television and books in one bracket which makes me feel icky). But while my selection committee and I determined the bracket organization it is now completely in your hands to determine the outcome.
Voting on each game will last a few days and anywhere from 8-12 games may be posted at a time in order to fit it all in by the end of the month. In the event of a tie, I will determine a winner based not on my opinion, but on feedback received via Facebook. Please check back often and keep an eye on the time remaining to vote on each contest. There will be regular posts updating you on the status of the tournament as well as posts containing the blog's usual daily content which I hope you might also enjoy.
Note, while the ultimate destiny of the tournament is out of my hands, I do accept responsibility for any flaws in its conception. I am entirely open and accepting of criticism in the form of nasty, hateful emails and just as open and accepting (in fact more so) of email praise and odes to my awesomeness.
But the most important thing you can do via email is send me your predictions on the bracket. Do it in any way you see fit. You can send me a list of winners for each game, you can fill out the bracket by hand and send a scanned copy to me or you can fill in the excel version featured in the bar beneath our logo above (prepositions abound!). Whichever method you choose, it should be sent to madcap1417@gmail.com and the top few contestants will receive a Transformer Generation Dad t-shirt.
Keep voting everyone! Loyal readers and new readers alike, I hope you will participate in the tournament all the way to its conclusion and have a little extra fun along the way. We'll laugh together, cry together and get in heated arguments over trivial details together.
Definitely glad GeekDad led me here. Neat site, and great tournament idea.
ReplyDeleteWelcome, Will Welsh. We wish you wonderful weeks of weading... reading. Sorry, I got carried away with the alliteration there. Seriously, I appreciate you stopping by and hope you come back often. You can still submit a bracket as well.