Thursday, September 23, 2010

Best of Third Person Thursday: Phoning It In

Since he couldn't complete a third person post he was satisfied with, the blog author contemplated writing no post at all for Thursday.

"But what of my loyal readers?" he asked himself. "How can they possibly cope when denied access to my daily musings?"

And the valiant blogger wept over this. He wept so long, in fact, that the time spent weeping could have certainly been used to write and edit a satisfactory third person post. Instead, when he was finally done crying like a like b...ahem...weeping, an idea formed.

"My favorite television shows don't do something new every week," he cried (that is, he exclaimed this, he had finished weeping for good now), "in fact they take entire summers off."

And then the blogger made a decision that changed everything. "I'll do a 'Best Of...' post!" he said.

He sold his soul that day, and then posted the following links to the best of his Third Person Thursday posts and hoped his audience would enjoy reading stuff they may have already read:

- Exceptional

- Lame New World

His pathetically lazy attempt at filling space on his blog complete, the author retired to his bed where he played some Xbox (instead of producing a quality third person post) and then fell asleep and dreamt he could still play basketball, which caused him to kick his legs repeatedly in his sleep, thoroughly annoying his wife.

And he lived happily ever after.

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