Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: A Wordy Beginning

Unbeknownst to me, there was a trend amongst bloggers to participate in something they call "Wordless Wednesday."  It wasn't until friend and fellow blogger Iron Salsa began participating on his blog, the spectacularly named Mamihlapinatapei (want to know what the hell that means, so did I so I followed this link at which point the ever so satisfying explanation was revealed to me), that I became aware of the trend.

For many many months now, I have attributed the Wordless Wednesday phenomenon to his creation.  I watched as he posted only a picture with a title, no further explanation on his blog and left the reader to determine what was going through his mind.  He humbly alerted me recently that it was something he had heard of and deemed clever enough to use on his blog, but he is still its creator in my mind because that's how I heard of it.  What's more, if it's clever enough for him, it is clever enough for me to steal.  Thus, today marks the first installment of Transformer Generation Dad's Wordless Wednesday posts.

I know what you're thinking, there are an awful lot of words being posted here today for a Wordless Wednesday, and I would have to agree (I am a sucker for raw statistics).  So, without further ado, thanks to Iron Salsa, I bring you in the very next post, my own version of Wordless Wednesday.

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out! As evidenced by your first post, you are off to a most excellent start. I have been stuck in a work vortex of doom that has made me significantly less able to enjoy all facets of the Interweb (and TGD), but I am now back! Whether it is with a vengeance, we will have to see...
