Happy October!
This month's poll has been closed, and Dunkin' Donuts has now become the official favorite coffee of Transformer Generation Dad.
Thank you to all who voted, and here is a cheesy image depicting our choice defeating the corporate monster that is Starbucks:

Anyway, we must move forward and select a topic for this month's poll. And what better topic than video games. Recently, I've been playing all sorts of game genres, enjoying them all. That lead me to wonder which genre you, loyal readers, enjoy most. Allow me to explain the choices, listed in alphabetical order, for those who do not know what each means.
A brawler is your multi-person fighting game. You can play it single player, but in general you'll have multiple enemies attacking simultaneously as you progress from left to right. Classic examples include Double Dragon, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Vendetta.
First-person shooters are all the rage now. It began with Doom and now can be seen in such popular titles as Bioshock, Call of Duty and Fallout. If you are seeing things through your characters eyes and aiming a lot, you are playing a first-person shooter.
Platform games are so called because you are often leaping from one platform to the next. Think Mario. Also in this category are Mega Man, Contra and Limbo.
Rounding out our list is the RPG or role playing game. Not to be confused with the first-person shooter, these games require a good deal or investigation aside from combat with enemies. The exact format can change, but good examples are Legend of Zelda, Mass Effect, Pokemon and Silent Hill.
So, now that you understand each category, vote. I'd like to know what you think.
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