The days and weeks may pass and the weather may change, but Transformer Generation Dad’s weekly features remain constant. Except that they change every week. So I guess change is constant. Wow, deep.
With the aforementioned weather change, the northeasterly wind has been blowing through my area, bringing cool, cloudy, gusty days and chilly nights. That prompted me to think of songs that mention wind in one way or another for this week’s top five list. Extra points go to songs that mention the northeast wind specifically.
5 – Blowin’ in the Wind by Robert Zimmerman (aka Bob Dylan): Perhaps these cold winds blowing in might bring with them some answers to life’s burning questions.
4 – Summer Wind by Henry Mayer & Johnny Mercer as performed by Frank Sinatra: This fickle friend has given way to the autumn wind, but soon that and the winter wind will have come and gone and the summer wind shall return to sigh its lullabies through nights that never end.
3 – Dust in the Wind by Kansas: Can this really be all we are? You’re my boy, Blue!
2 – Everybody’s Talkin’ by Fred Neil as performed by Henry Nilsson: Great road trip song and the fact that he mentions banking off of the northeast wind send this classic up to the second spot. It is second only to…
1 – The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald by Gordon Lightfoot: This doesn’t just mention the northeast wind, but is pretty much about the northeast wind. Plus, its gloomy, melancholy tone is perfect for this time of year. Makes me want to watch Deadliest Catch for some reason.
This week’s cool-ass thing you will never own is a jet pack. So you probably thought like I did, after watching the Jetsons growing up, that we would all be traveling around with rockets on our backs by the beginning of this decade, but it wasn’t to be. Alas, maybe my sons will see such technological advancements in their lifetime. Hopefully, someone develops a hands-free model. Jet packs are sure to be way more fun when you can fly in from the heavens and snatch things out of people’s hands.
This week’s sign you are a nerd is that you were critical of October 2nd’s picture of the Dunkin’ Donuts cup punching the Starbucks cup. No doubt, the geeks out there observed that one coffee brand was being depicted as Optimus Prime and the other as Megatron. Those same geeks would have sighed and shook their collective heads as they commented that the Dunkin’ Donuts cup should have had blue legs. And do you want to know something? They would be right
This week’s nemesis is saturated fat. Something that makes any food taste better in direct correlation to how much of it is present should not be so bad for you. As I get older, the temptation to eat food high in saturated fat is beginning to carry other weightier consequences. By weightier, I don’t just mean weight gain, though that certainly is an issue. I mean long term health issues. It makes you just want to sit down with a bag of potato chips and cry.
This week’s lesson learned is to never throw away old garden hoses. Wrap that thing up and store it in a corner of your garage or shed because the time may come when you need to siphon something as far away as possible from your home and an extra thirty feet couldn’t hurt.
This week’s equation was inspired my the end of Major League Baseball’s regular season today. It describes how Barry Bonds with a reduction in hat size and minus RBIs due to steroids would roughly equate to Ken Griffey Jr.
This week’s Star Wars quote is from Jango Fett in Episode II and is one of the few lines anyone with the last name of Fett were allowed to speak during the saga: “I’m just a simple man, trying to make my way in the universe.” Aren’t we all?
That’s it for this week. Be sure to check in on this week’s upcoming releases that we think you’d be interested in.
Thanks for reading.
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