Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Gaming Commandments

My sons have quickly progressed beyond the point of introductory level video gamers. They now own their own games, and have become both formidable allies and opponents.

However, there are certain rules of etiquette I've come to notice they must be taught to avoid arguments. Thus, I have developed some ground rules to teach to young gamers. The following is a list by which to guide your children's gaming in order to optimize enjoyment by all and make them even better at playing with visiting friends down the road.

The Ten Commandments of Gaming:

1. Thou shalt return games back to their designated containers.

2. Thou shalt never throw a controller or leave controllers on the floor or couch.

3. Thou shalt not be stingy with your handheld game cards.

4. Thou shalt not intentionally obstruct another player’s view.

5. Thou shalt not press START until every player is ready.

6. Honor thy most knowledgeable gamer and allow them to be player 1.

7. Thou shalt allow other players to jump in immediately after the next save point.

8. Thou shalt not hide in the corners while your teammates fight.

9. Thou shalt not pile on points against a human opponent.

10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s save file.

These rules have been handed down from on high to help you maintain peace and order during your experience. In general, treat other gamers as you would yourself.

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