Wednesday, August 18, 2010


My job gives me a decent chunk of vacation time each year. Today, I officially started one segment of it.

I am proud to say that I anticipated this event and have rigorously trained for it. I coordinated the arrival of my AT&T U-verse installation for today. I stocked up on beer. I stopped at Borders and purchased the entire Scott Pilgrim graphic novel series as well as a few other books. I have the Lego Slave 1 sitting currently on my dining room table (dinner be damned) waiting to be ripped open and assembled.

In short, I am thoroughly prepared to sit on my ass for the next two and a half weeks and allow my brain and muscles of my lower body to properly atrophy (the Lego building should keep my upper body in peak physical condition).

Not everybody would take down time so seriously. It takes a level of dedication to laziness that I just so happen to possess. I’ve fished for many years, honing my ability to sit in one spot for hours on end like a kung-fu master, meditating in their dojo.

Clear your mind.

I ought to take a moment to thank my workplace. You put me through such torturous hell each and every day that the simple opportunity to avoid you for a little longer than normal gives me incredible joy. None of this relaxation would be possible if you didn’t suck…sooooo bad. So. Bad.

But my main reason in telling you about my extended time away from my mind-numbingly terrible career is not so that you’ll feel sorry for me. I tell you this so that you can prepare yourself to check back on this blog regularly. With all the time off, my wandering mind is sure to produce some real brain movements of wisdom, which I plan to squeeze out onto this blog in steaming piles of posts. You may even see the elusive multiple-post day out of me.

So, good readers (good, intelligent, loyal readers), check back often between now and the first week of September. You never know when Transformer Generation Dad might drop some knowledge on you.

And remember, while you’re at work, waiting for the shift to end, you can turn to Transformer Generation Dad to get you through the day with the fun topics and witty observations that you have come to expect from this blog. Because I care.



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