Friday, May 6, 2011

The Day That Wasn't

At quarter to ten at night Central Standard Time with a lot of stuff still to do about the house in preparation for my eldest son's First Communion, it has become painfully obvious that I will not make it to see Thor on this, it's opening night. (Sigh)

I had hoped to sneak off to the theater while my sons were in school today. The purpose of this was twofold. First, my larger bladder would have assured an uninterrupted viewing. Second, it would provide me with the perfect excuse to go see it a second time should they decide they wanted to see it as well.

Alas, their school scheduled a half-day of classes on the very same day as a highly anticipated Marvel film release. Who does the planning at that school? And what's more, what am I paying them for if they can't keep my kids occupied for six and a half hours so that I can catch an early show? Rest assured someone will be hearing about this.

Perhaps the biggest shame in all of this is the inevitable lack of interest this will cause in a major step in my eldest son's life. He'll be carrying out an important tradition in our family and I'll be staring longingly across the church altar, speculating how its appearance might have been similar to that of Odin's throne room in the film I didn't get to go see. Then it will be time to fake conversations that aren't about how awesome Thor was with other parents and attempting to spread a smile across my face while my heart feels empty inside.

On the other hand, my son does look like a little badass in the suit we bought him. I'm sure he is going to be excited as well and the look on his face is sure to inspire me to cheer up. On top of that, there will be NBA Playoff basketball to watch tomorrow evening with my boys and plenty of beer to drink. Maybe the guest of honor can even try a sip. Finally, there is the fact that one of his Communion gifts is Portal 2. If there's any chance he'll let me play co-op with him, it should make for a fun night.

And it's not like Thor won't be out in theaters for some time. There will be plenty of opportunities to see it. I just need to be careful not to listen to anybody about what teaser scene they are going to throw in after the end credits so that it isn't spoiled. And that shouldn't be too hard, I suppose.

I guess not seeing Thor on its opening day isn't the end of Midgard after all.

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